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Video Tutorials

In this document we will gather video guides for Ory Kratos.

Below each video you will find a transcript of the video. If you think we can improve the video or should make any other changes, you can open an issue here.

Transcript Kratos Quickstart

Welcome to the Quickstart Introduction of Ory Kratos on Windows.

First of all you need Docker Desktop and Git to launch this quickstart.

You will find download links for those in the description.

I already have my git bash open here and I am starting Docker now.

Next I will open my browser to navigate to the Kratos Quickstart.

If you haven't already read the whole quickstart, I really recommend it, but I will focus on the practical steps now.

So scroll down a little bit and you will see the commands you have to put into your console to get Kratos running.

The first command here will clone the Kratos repository to your machine.

This will take a little bit depending on your internet speed.

Then you want to set your directory to your Kratos directory and lastly switch the branch to the 0.3.0alpha version, since this is the version this quickstart is tailored to.

As I don't have make installed, I need to docker pull the latest SQL and the self service as well, that's our SecureApp.

And now we've all the building parts ready and can use the docker-compose command to get this thing going.

So just copy the docker-compose command and cross your fingers that everything will work .

This part can actually take minutes, but once the output has slowed down you can see the last two lines here indicate that everything has been set up and everything is working fine.

Now we can actually test our SecureApp login and registration.

So I go back to the quickstart and scroll down where we find the URL to our SecureApp dashboard.

In this case I will just use my email to create an account and I will use a very secure password, which in this case actually "securepassword".

But oh look, there is an error already since this password isn't actually secure but has been found in more than 200 data leaks, so this is some basic security that's already set up in your SecureApp.

And I will try this again with an actually secure password now, I copied it down in my notepad here. And there we're, we're logged in, everything has worked .

Here you will see a bunch of information about your login.

Now I want to show you the email confirmation real quick. Since we actually didn't send an email to a real address, but are using Mailslurper as a testing environment, you can go back to the quickstart page and scroll down a little bit, there is the url.

Just click on it and you will see there is our email. And there it's, we've confirmed our email.

Now I will logout once more and see if we can get back in. And it seems to work fine, very nice!

This is the basic quickstart for Kratos on Windows and I hope this video will help to get you started.

If you have any further questions, please leave a comment or visit our community forum or slack, the links are in the description.

Don't forget to star us on github and like, subscribe for more upcoming tutorials.

Transcript Kratos Sign in with Github

Welcome to the Sign in with Github Tutorial for Ory Kratos.

This continues where we left off with the Quickstart Tutorial for Kratos, so if you haven’t done the Quickstart already, check that out.

To be able to offer “Sign in with github” you have to create a GitHub OAuth2 Client.

So you go to your settings page on your github profile, then developer settings, then OAuth apps, then register a new application.

You can pick any name that suits you, then put the Kratos login in the homepage url, that's the port 4455 on your localhost.

You use this port in the quickstart for our SecureApp. If you aren't familiar with this self service app, check the links in the description.

Next you put in the Authorization callback URL. This URL is built really simple, so first you have the kratos domain and the port and just at the end you put in the OIDC provider ID, in this case github.

This provider ID must point to the provider's ID set in the Ory Kratos configuration file.

I’ll link a document in the description, that explains this in more detail, also how you can implement any other OIDC provider.

Now navigate to the Kratos directory and create a new file.

If you are unsure where your kratos directory is (in my case it's my Git folder) you can look it up on docker.

Now you have to create a JSONNNET code for the provider in this case github. so you just copy this code, create a new file called O ID C dot github dot jsonnet and save

Next you enable the OIDC provider in the Kratos configuration located in the same directory. Just copy this part of the code, this is basically what Kratos needs to understand your OIDC provider. Just copy it in your configuration file and save.

The final step to get this working is to get the client id and the client secret . Those are provided to you by the Github oauth app. You input those into your kratos yaml and now it should be ready to go!

Now navigate to the login of your selfservice app and you should see “login with github”.

Once your account is authorized you will be redirected to the login page and you can login with github now.

That was it for this tutorial, if you like to know more check the links in the description, if you have any feedback leave me a message in the comment section. and I'm looking forward to seeing you in the next one!