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Get Access, Refresh, ID Tokens from Social Sign In Providers

This document describes how to retrieve OpenID Connect / OAuth 2.0 Access, Refresh, and ID Tokens from Social Sign In at the GET /admin/identities API. This guide assumes that you have the oidc method enabled.


Please be aware that these tokens are only set when an identity sign ups with, or links a new Social Sign In provider. They aren't updated when an identity signs in!

curl --request GET -sL \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \

"id": "714a9ddc-9fde-42ad-be42-784dfeadd098",
"credentials": {
"oidc": {
"type": "oidc",
"identifiers": [
"config": {
"providers": [
"subject": "some-user",
"provider": "google",
"initial_access_token": "********************",
"initial_refresh_token": "********************",
"initial_id_token": "********************",
"subject": "another-user",
"provider": "github",
"initial_access_token": "********************",
"initial_refresh_token": "********************",
"initial_id_token": "********************",
"created_at": "2021-10-08T12:17:18.834351+02:00",
"updated_at": "2021-10-08T12:17:18.834351+02:00"
"schema_id": "default",
"schema_url": "http://localhost:61342/schemas/default",
"state": "active",
"state_changed_at": "2021-10-08T12:17:18.83324+02:00",
"traits": {
"subject": ""
"verifiable_addresses": [
"id": "88da96df-0457-4d69-832d-5e70ef25055c",
"value": "",
"verified": false,
"via": "",
"status": "",
"verified_at": null,
"created_at": "2021-10-08T12:17:18.83324+02:00",
"updated_at": "2021-10-08T12:17:18.834202+02:00"
"created_at": "2021-10-08T12:17:18.834043+02:00",
"updated_at": "2021-10-08T12:17:18.834043+02:00"


By default Access Token and Refresh Token are plaintext recorded Noop Cipher

For a tighter security aspect you could choose following cipher:

  • AES by following this setup
  • XChaCha20 Poly1305 by following this setup